There were so many entries it was tough to fit them all into one photo:

Iron Cupcake: London (ICL) held its second challenge on Monday 6 July 2009 with a theme of ‘summer fruits’. We tweaked the voting this time so everyone attending could cast votes for their favourite three cupcakes. I’m pleased to say that tasting and voting was taken very seriously as you can see from these photos:

Here is our worthy winner, Amanda, receiving the first prize. Her entry of apple and blackberry cupcakes were voted the winner on the night. And before any killjoys out there say blackberries aren’t a summer fruit...with the crazy hot weather and rain we’ve been having this year there are plenty of blackberries ripe for the picking right now!

Here’s our runner up, Nicola, looking thrilled:

These lovely ladies are our podium placed entrants – Amanda in first, Nicola second, and Alice third. Well done ladies; you have not only done yourselves proud but also the world of cupcakes!

So, sit back, loosen your waistband, have a hanky ready to mop up any drool and see what you missed out on........
NB. If you don't feel hungry by the time you have looked at all the entries, check your pulse - you might be dead.
Karen’s Foolish strawberry (and marshmallow) cupcakes

Emma’s summer fruit cupcakes

Isabel’s blackberry and raspberry ripple cupcakes

Amal’s summer passion cupcakes

Three things to note here – firstly, Amal has only just started baking so we can all claim we ate his cupcakes from the start!, secondly, he is our first male entrant (come on chaps – some of you must bake, surely?), thirdly, he conceded that passion fruit isn’t a UK summer fruit but it is in New Zealand, which is where Amal is from. I always have an attentive ear for someone persuading me to eat their cupcakes!

Amanda’s apple and blackberry cupcakes
The winner on the night!

Anna’s peach melba cupcakes

Kathryn’s almond and white chocolate cupcakes with blackcurrant frosting

Amy’s Wimbledon surprise (strawberry) cupcakes

These came with the 'bonus' of Cliff Richard in case it rained. Thankfully, he didn't sing!

Randi’s lemon cupcakes with strawberry meringue buttercream frosting

Kathy’s “Federer’s Cup” cupcakes - strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, mint and meringue

Me Ling’s strawberry and white chocolate cheesecake cupcakes

Hester’s chocolate and raspberry cupcakes with chocolate and crème de framboise buttercream

Hester’s Linzertorte (almond, cinnamon and raspberry) cupcakes

Kayla’s chocolate cupcakes with raspberry and white chocolate icing

Kelly’s lemonade cupcakes with mixed berry frosting

Helen’s strawberry and balsamic vinegar cupcakes

Anna’s blackcurrant cheesecake cupcakes

Alice’s peach melba with custard buttercream

These came third on the night. If I’m allowed to have a favourite I’d pick these, and not just because Alice used my custard buttercream recipe!
Nicola’s raspberry, blueberry, ricotta and almond cupcakes with vanilla cream topping

These placed second on the night, a single point behind the winning cupcake. It was that close!
So, I'm sure you can tell from the photos that the standard of entries was simply stunning. There was artistry, humour and super baking prowess on display.
Special thanks to The Cupcake Courier for providing our wonderful main prize.
Finally, I’d like to thank my trusted team of helpers, without whom this event would not happen. I view us as the Four Musketeers of cupcakes so thank you Jasmin, Paul and Dave.
Hopefully, now you’ve seen what you could have eaten, you’ll all be coming along to the next event – details of which will be announced shortly.
I leave you with the victors – well done ladies!

Absolutely wonderful! I am so glad to hear the stories as well as see each gorgeous cupcake!
What a glorious array of yumminess!!!!!
Can't believe I missed it - can't wait for the next one.
It was such a fun time I can't wait for next months challenge! I think the sugar hangover has just about worn off so I might be safe to bake again.
Such sheer pleasure going on here in cuppy cake land!! They all look wonderful. I did giggle at the Wimbledon surprise re-Cliff Richard ;0)
This is one of my favorite posts ever! I had such fun reading and scrolling through your comments on each cupcake. That blackcurrant-iced one is gorgeously goth, I must say. Congrats to everyone!
Cliff Richard...snork.
Wow sounds like a wonderfuly way to spend an evening. All the entries look fabulous and all so creatively different. Hope I can make it to the next one
Wow, this is truly a cupcake frenzy and I love it! All the cupcakes look so very tempting! Wish I'm in London and could join your club ;)
Wow, oh wow - how I wish I was in London for this! All the entries look superb.
It sounds like a good time was had by all and what a wonderful roundup! It must have been hard to choose a winner.
You are now going from strength to strength with this challenge.
Brilliant entries!
Wow, I am honoured to have my cakes picked out as the Caked Crusader's favourite! So gutted I can't make the next one - puddings is such a fab theme. I'll be back for more in September though...
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