Well, what can I say? Thirty-four stunningly inventive, beautiful, clever, and delicious entries - I am still buzzing from the sugar high of tasting them all (I take my duties very seriously!)
Thank you to all the wonderful bakers who entered, and thank you to all the dedicated eaters who made the night such a joyous event.
Special thanks also to my crack team of Soo, Paul, Max and Dave - I couldn't do it without you!
I'm sure you'll appreciate that thirty-four cupcakes will take a little while to write up and sort the photos for, but I'm hoping to get a detailed report together shortly.....
I have found the cure for a sugar hang over. A kebab! First three months I went home and crashed afterwards, last night stoped for a kebab on the way home and I feel great! Guess a sugar hangover isn't much different than a booze hangover. Great night last night can't wait for next month!
I'll be patient....
Thanks so much for organising it - it was a fantastic night. I won't be able to come for the next few months (I'll be at university far far away...) but I'm looking forward to Christmas already!
Keep up the good work!
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