Sunday 12 July 2009

Summer fruits pavlova

Pavlovas are so easy to make that I feel almost guilty at how fantastic they look – everyone will think it has taken hours to create your masterpiece when, in reality, there is very little hands-on work.

My meringue cracked at little but it makes no difference to the flavour and I don’t think it spoils the look either:

There is something temptingly luscious about a big pavlova; the individual ones make it to the plate more beautifully but a big pavlova –requiring two hands to transport to the dining table - brings out far more greedy desires.

Slices are messy and the fruit and cream tumbles out onto the plate:

The combination of berries, so juicy, delicious and richly coloured at this time of year, contrasts wonderfully with the snowy meringue, particularly when the fruit juices mingle with the cream:

It’s such an easy to make crowd pleaser. I like my meringue crisp on the outside but soft and cloudlike inside:

I end with a plea: has anyone else had trouble with blogger during the past week? I've had lots of error messages when trying to upload photos - they all begin with a BX reference number, and when I have uploaded photos it won't let me click and drag them into position (i.e. scrolling down through my post); I have to move them down a screen at a time...which takes ages. Is it blogger or me? Any ideas? I know you're a clever bunch so throw myself on your mercy!

For the meringue:
6 egg whites
375g caster sugar

For the custard cream:
600ml double cream
500ml good quality ready made custard

For the fruit:
I used a supermarket punnet each of raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and strawberries but couldn’t fit them all on.

How to make:
- Preheat the oven to 150°C/fan oven 130°C/300°F/Gas mark 2.
- Line a large flat baking sheet with baking paper.
- Whisk the eggs whites to the stiff peak stage then gradually whisk in the sugar until you have a thick, glossy meringue.
- Spoon the meringue onto the prepared baking sheet and shape into a bowl – the meringue is good natured and you can sculpt it quite easily.
- Bake for 40-50 minutes or until pale and crisp.
- Turn off the oven and leave the pavlova to cool in the oven with the door slightly open.
- When cold you can store overnight in an airtight container until needed.
- When ready to serve (don’t do this in advance or the meringue will go soggy) make the cream filling: whisk the cream until it is just about holding soft peaks, then whisk in the custard a spoonful at a time.
- Spoon the custard cream into the meringue case and top with fruit of your choice.
- Bask in glory at the wonderful thing you have made.
- Eat.


  1. Looks so amazing! I really don't care for meruinge but the look so yummy with summer fruit and pastry cream!

  2. What a stunner - it looks amazing!

  3. I got a few errors today when I was uploading photos. I'd say I had to retry about 1 in 3. No help I'm afraid -- but it does seem to be a blogger problem!

    The Pavlova is gorgeous - it's enough to convert me to a meringue fan!

  4. Homemade meringue and pavlova would be my favourite dessert of all time. Especially if the shell is quite crisp but chewy inside. O yum! Just looking at your photoes melt me!

  5. Custard and cream mixed? Genius! I adore meringue, especially home made. What suggestions do you have for using the spare egg yolks?

  6. Hi Sharon

    I made this pavlova when I made my bakewell traybake so that used most of the yolks.
    I think the best thing anyone can ever do with an egg yolk is turn it into custard! Maybe make the pav when you're planning to make custard or a custard tart within a day or so?

  7. Oh yum, I love pavlova! So gooey and messy...mmmmm!

    Katie xox

  8. Love the different fruits you've used to decorate it. So colourful

  9. Absolutely gorgeous!


  10. Your pavlova looks ssssoooo yummy! Can you send me a piece please?

  11. That looks divine, I love pavlova, it's just so good!

  12. Pavlova and summer fruits, oh my goodness, just sensational!!

  13. that looks yummy! i may have to try and make it!

  14. Delicious! There is nothing like a melt in your mouth pav with cream and berries, and this one looks particularly good.

  15. I'm not that big on pavlova in general but I'd deffo give yours my best shot if you served it up - it looks fantastic!

  16. great recipe its looking amazing
