Monday 13 July 2009

Rupert enjoys afternoon tea

The CCBF (Caked Crusader’s Boyfriend) and I had a lovely day out in Canterbury on Saturday. It’s a beautiful place packed with things to see. We walked past, but didn’t have time to look around, the Museum; we were too busy enjoying the Canterbury Tales experience, which was tremendous fun and educational -not words that always go together! Anyway, the museum has a Rupert Bear museum attached to it with a stunning window display (see the photos below). Have to confess, I’ve never been a fan of Rupert – he’s too much of a goody two shoes – but did admire the tea he appears to be enjoying. Maybe I misjudged him?

He also has a nice selection of crockery, and makes his tea properly - in a teapot – no drowning tea bags in cups for Rupert and family:


  1. I totally agree about tea in the pot! Points for Rupert Bear!

  2. I can see you have been swayed CC :)

  3. Sounds a great day out and those pics are so cute :0)

  4. How cute is that! Love it.
