Sunday 28 June 2009

Strawberry and custard cupcakes

With the theme of then next Iron Cupcake London being summer fruits my thoughts turned to what I might enter if I was allowed to, which I'm not. This recipe, while quite simple, is delicious and the combination of strawberry and custard, rather than the more common strawberry and cream, was a big hit with everyone who tasted it.

The original recipe stated that you should glaze the finished cupcakes with melted apricot jam. I can see this would add a nice shiny professional looking finish but when you have something as juicy and delicious as a strawberry I like to taste it; I often find that apricot jam glazes overpower the fruit.

You could of course use any fruit to top these little cupcakes, but what with it being slap bang in the middle of Wimbledon fortnight strawberries seemed appropriate. I have far more interest in Wimbledon this year as I have a lot riding on it – the CCBF (Caked Crusader’s Boyfriend) stated (misguidedly if you ask me)that Andy Murray would win the title. I may have been slightly dismissive of this...perhaps suggesting that Roger Federer could beat him with one arm tied behind his back. This resulted in the CCBF challenging me to a bet – whoever of our choices finishes higher wins. The bet has an extremely high stake – a fridge magnet of the winner’s choice. Go Roger!!!

For the cupcakes:
185g unsalted butter, at room temperature
170g caster sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 eggs
125g self raising flour
60g plain flour
125ml milk

For the filling and topping:
125g thick custard
12 small strawberries
Optional: 160g apricot jam to glaze

How to make:

- Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan oven 160°C/350°F/Gas mark 4.
- Line a cupcake pan with 12 paper cases, have a second tin on standby with paper cases as I found the mix made enough for several more cupcakes.
- Beat the butter, sugar and vanilla together until creamy and light.
- Beat in the eggs one at a time.
- Weigh out the flours and measure out the milk.
- Fold half the flour in, followed by half the milk. Repeat.
- Spoon the mixture into the paper cases. Fill each case about 2/3 full.
- Bake for approximately 15 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out cleanly.
- Leave to cool on a wire rack.
- When cool cut the centre out of each cupcake – don’t go right through to the bottom; you’re aiming to create a little bowl made of cupcake.
- Fill each cavity with as much custard as possible without it spilling out the top.
- Sit a strawberry on top of the custard.
- If using the glaze, melt the jam and then brush it over the top. I didn’t bother.
- Refrigerate until about 20 minutes before you want to serve.
- Bask in glory at the wonderful thing you have made.
- Eat.


  1. They look really lovely. The cake looks really light and moist and I love the way the custard is oozing and squelching (in the nicest possible meaning of the word) it's way out of the cut cupcake. Lovely strawberries too - perfectly shaped and delicious looking - as ever!!!

    I guess it's the baker's moral obligation to eat the centre cut outs too...... couldn't see them going to waste!!!

  2. I have visitors arriving from Australia in the next month - would you like a really daggy Aussie magnet????

  3. Delicious looking cupcakes. I can imagine the sweetness of custard blending well with slight sourness of strawberries. What a winning combination.

  4. My goodness these look absolutely amazing. I love the custard oozing out of these gorgeous bites.

  5. I'm in strawberry & custard heaven here C.C. Gosh those cupcakes are sublime and I'm drooling away here ;0) I just want to dive into to the centre of one and lick all the custard out - oh my what a little piggy I am teehee..

  6. Extremely yummy! I could quite happily eat one of those now.

  7. Mmmm, I love custard. What a great idea to put some in a cup cake - it seems so obvious but I'd never thought of it before!

  8. All of these wonderfiul British strawberry recipes popping up everywhere - I love strawberries and custard!!!

  9. Awesome. These look crazy delicious! Perfect for using up all of these strawberries on sale here.
