Monday 29 June 2009


It’s been a while since the last CAFTA (Cake’s Achievement in Film and Television Arts) award was made but thanks to the CCBF’s (Caked Crusader’s Boyfriend) enthusiastic appreciation of the A-Team we have this delight!

If you are of a certain age, Saturday nights of your childhood meant only one thing – The A-Team. Fact fans will want to know that this cake features in an episode called “Till Death Do Us Part” from Season 1. Shockingly (I say ‘shockingly’ because it forces me to admit I am old) this episode first aired in April 1983.

The award is for “Crime fighting cake” and goes to this enormous cake. Here it is being put into position:

Who baked it? Chef Murdock no less. We know he’s a chef because he has a floppy hat and a drawn on moustache. We might question whether he’s actually a chef when BA reveals the icing on the cake is made from shaving foam. But he is called Howling Mad Murdock so it was only to be expected:

But why would anyone want such a big cake when there’s a perfectly acceptable cake already on the table? (Yes, that is Murdock in a wedding dress)

Perhaps because the smaller cake couldn’t accommodate.....

....who guessed it? BA was in the cake! He bursts free calling the congregation “suckers”. Charming.

The cake is then used as a weapon. Although, if I ever get to pick, this is the way I’d want to go:

It's pure A-Team; all those bullets flying around yet the baddies only get hit with some cake!


  1. Aaaaaaah.... I love it when a plan comes together. ;-)

  2. Who'da thunk that the A-Team would win a CAFTA? Love it.

  3. If there were yet another reason to love you, you brought back the A-Team in all its buttercream glory. I'm humming the theme song as we speak and in search of a silly cigar. :)

    Okay, the secret word is bride! Even blogger is enthralled with you!

  4. Love the A-Team! My husband has the entire series on DVD--shhh, don't tell anyone!

  5. Oh my goodness, that is the biggest (non-cake) cake I've ever seen! A-Team! Ahhh thanks for that.
