Monday 4 May 2009

Iron Cupcake: London

OK, so this is a bit of shameless self promotion but what the heck!

I am in the process of setting up the Iron Cupcake: London competition. For those of you not au fait with the Iron Cupcake competition here is a potted summary:

  • Iron Cupcake is a competition that started in the USA. Each month, a theme or key ingredient is announced and entrants have to bake a cupcake that meets the theme or uses the key ingredient. You can be as weird and wonderful as you like, as long as you meet the brief.
  • Iron Cupcake: London is the first Iron Cupcake challenge outside of the USA.
    On competition day all entrants bring their cupcakes along and the judges taste them and vote for the best. The winner receives prizes and glory but all entrants get to try each other's cupcakes.
  • This is a great opportunity to meet other cupcake addicts (oh yes, fear not - there are many of us!), make friends and eat lots of cupcakes!
  • All entries will be photographed and published on this site - so not only is it a great social event, you will also be able to promote your cakes and blogs to a wider audience via this site!

So...anyone in the London or South East area who is up to the Iron Cupcake challenge please visit my Iron Cupcake website (it's work in progress at the moment) and get ready.......


  1. sounds like a great idea!

    April xx

  2. oh how I wish I can come with you! how about setting up one in Kuala Lumpur too?

  3. How cool - unfortunately I am geographically miles out of it, but it sounds like a great idea!

  4. Welcome to Cupcake Stadium! Who's your pick for Chairman? :)

  5. I've never heard of this challenge before!! I must really try harder to keep up to speed with all things cupcake related.

  6. Sounds fabulous, it really does :)
