Wednesday 6 May 2009

Iron Cupcake London - first challenge announced!

The first challenge can now be announced….drum roll please….

The theme: Chocolate – interpret this in any way you wish: it could be dark, milk or white chocolate, chocolate icing, chocolate sponge, chocolate chips…let your imagination run wild!

Entry requirements – 12 cupcakes made to the same recipe. This is to ensure there are enough cupcakes for the judges and spectators to taste! If you wish to enter more than one variety of cupcake please do – the more the merrier!

The time: 6.30pm – 9pm

The date: Monday 1 June 2009…this gives you all lots of time to rustle up your divine creations over the weekend!

The place: The Barrow Boy and Banker, which is located on the South side of London Bridge, practically opposite London Bridge Station. Please click HERE for a map.

The prize: A chocolate themed goody bag including a chocolate fountain, recipe cards, DVD and lots more. Plus, of course, the coveted winner’s rosette and certificate…dazzle your friends with proof of your baking prowess!

Admission fee: £5 - this applies whether you’re entering a cupcake or simply coming along to sample the delights on offer, and covers tea and coffee. Any other refreshments can be purchased at the bar. Please note that if you are entering more than one type of cupcake, you will still only be charged £5.
In order to gauge numbers for tea and coffee, I would really appreciate you letting me know in advance if you intend to come along, and whether you intend to enter the competition.
Please email me: administrator [at] ironcupcake [dot] co [dot] uk or leave a comment to this post
Details of this challenge can also be found on the official Iron Cupcake: London website


  1. I want to enter I really do but........

  2. know you will enter! Good luck.

  3. I'm so jealous! However, I will represent Warminster, PA, USA in absentia and bake something chocolately and full of yum for the hubster to "judge". I think he can easily put away a dozen in one sitting. ;)

  4. Oh what a shame I can't make it ;o( Good luck with your first challenge and hopefully I will be able to enter in the next one!


  5. Good Luck!!
    Sorry I can't make it, but I will be thinking of you all.

  6. Good luck C.C. Sorry i can't make it :0(

    Rosie x
