Sunday 4 January 2009

A little bit of nonsense

I love this site - normally it's not cake related but this one was too funny not to mention. I should explain to the uninitiated that the site invites readers to provide captions for photos of cats, the funniest is displayed on the photo:

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals


  1. that is a very good LOLcat indeed
    this is one of my faves (though it is a dog rather than cat) and has inspired a wave of nose booping ever since. You have been warned...


  2. Cute. I wanted to tell you that I made that decadent chocolate cake that you made for your birthday. Made it for my own birthday right before Christmas and it was divine. My husband couldn't get enough of it. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I think it is my new favorite!

  3. We love that site too. My children can look at it for ages, normally in stitches as we try to do the accents that we think will go with the words.
