Tuesday 6 January 2009


It’s been a while since a CAFTA (Cake’s Achievement in Film and Television Arts) award has been bestowed but this nomination by Trashalou was too good to pass up – good work my Dr Who AND cake obsessed friend!

The award is for “Cake almost stealing the scene from everyone’s favourite Timelord” (I admit it’s quite a narrow category) and goes to the pretty little cupcake that Rose gives The Doctor at the end of the episode “Fear Her” (Episode 12, Series 2).

The Doctor has just saved not only the world (again) but also the 2012 Olympics and has returned to find Rose at a street party.

Rose offers him the cake -she seems to be missing her little finger (this is not part of the plot, just an observation of mine):

He not only accepts but tucks in (good man):

The happiness a good cupcake brings (OK, so it’s a totally gratuitous photo but it was too cute not to include, and he is actually looking at the cake which is just out of shot):

This leads to one of The Doctor’s wisest observations yet: “Ballbearings you can eat – masterpiece!”

Please email me (with photos) your CAFTA nominations.


  1. Ah I missed these. Need to be looking more closely at film again.

  2. Am so glad you liked my nomination - and the last pic is not even slightly gratutitous, he is admiring the cake with every pore of his talented actor being!

  3. I've never seen Dr Who but the line 'ballbearings you can eat-masterpiece' is an cracker so i'll have to watch an episode, see what the fuss is about:)

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  5. I think in the last photo that he's looking at the cake thinking "It's great - but imagine how good it would be if it were from the Caked Crusader....."

  6. Wise words Soo! So, David, if you're out there and want to try a Caked Crusader creation - you only have to ask!!!

  7. Love it - I am a huge fan of the Doctor, and was sad to hear the other day that he is regenerating - no more David Tennant!

  8. I really like David Tennant as the Doctoe and I am sad to see him go. I watched a programme introducing the new Doctor Who, he is very young. Time will tell, if he is any good. Until then, more cake please!
