Friday 19 June 2009

Iron Cupcake London – prizes

The second ICL challenge takes place on Monday 6th July, and the theme is “summer fruits”. Just to remind you all of the details:

Are your cupcakes up to the challenge? Are you worthy of the Iron Cupcake Winner’s rosette and the acclaim that comes with it? There’s only one way to find out…..

ICL Challenge II: Summer Fruits
Make one batch (i.e. 12) of cupcakes using summer fruits in any way you wish…

On the night everyone will have a say in declaring the winner, who walks away with the ICL Winner’s rosette plus a cupcake themed goody bag (presented in the much-coveted ICL bag!) see details below.

Event details:

Monday 6 July 2009

6.00pm – 8.30pm

Barrowboy & Banker pub, 6-8 Borough High Street, SE1 9QQ

Entry fee: £5 – even if you don’t wish to enter the competition why not come along to taste the cupcakes? (Entry fee includes tea or coffee)

For further information visit:

I can now reveal the prizes – ta da!

The main prize is a fabulous cupcake courier that allows you to transport, not 12, not 24 but 36 cupcakes!!! It is an amazing item and special thanks must go to the lovely people at The Cupcake Courier who donated the prize.

Of course, if you’re in London you can win the cupcake courier at ICL, if you’re not in London then hot foot it over to The Cupcake Courier website and buy yourself the Rolls Royce of cupcake transportation. When they’ve travelled in one of these, your cupcakes will never let you put them in Tupperware or an old biscuit tin again!

Along with our terrific main prize you’ll also have noticed cupcake magnets, lip balms and a cupcake candle. All of these will go to the winner and also the first runner up.

See you on the 6th July......


  1. I so wish I could join in :-( BUT I now have a brnad NEW object of desire in that amazing cupcake courier!

    April xx

  2. You do this to taunt those of us outside the M25 don't you? Haha, lucky for me those mahnets already have a home here.

  3. MaGnets, I meant maGnets! I have thrown all of the maHnets out of my house, they were bad feng shui ;-)

  4. My god, I must have one of those, if only to carry them from room to room. :)

  5. I need one of those cup cake carriers!

    I'd better enter this time round!

  6. A friend sent me two(YES!!TWO!!)of those cup cake holders from the US. They saved my life -well, the life of many a cup cake-during cup cake fund raising events for school and Comic Relief. Every mother who saw one at school coveted it. Im just so angry I didn't set up a business importing them myself !LOL
