Sunday 10 May 2009

Lemon feather sponge

Birthday season in the Caked Crusader’s family continues at break-neck speed; this week it is the turn of the CCM (Caked Crusader’s Ma). The photo above shows her coloured flame candles and musical banner that flashed 'happy birthday' whilst playing a lovely rendition of the tune (i.e. the sort of electronic music that is enchanting for 30 seconds and then you want to stamp on the thing!).

I may have mentioned it once or twice (regular readers please feel free to yawn here) but the CCM is fanatical about all baked goods with a lemon theme. When I saw this recipe I knew I had found her birthday cake.

The recipe uses oil instead of a solid fat i.e. butter, which led to a light texture not dissimilar to the airy sponginess of a carrot cake. What I also liked was that instead of buttercream the coating and filling is whipped cream to which you add lemon curd. This creates an ultra light, creamy lemon curd.

It is extremely easy to make lemon curd and, even though I loathe lemon (regular readers – you may yawn again!) I can taste the difference to sugary shop-bought curds. Lemon curd is one of those things that I find ridiculously pleasing to make as it falls into the category of alchemy. You begin with a very thin liquid in the pan and just through heat and a bit of stirring it turns into luscious, thick golden curd in barely 15 minutes!

Happy birthday CCM!

For the cakes:
3 eggs, separated
115ml water
115ml groundnut oil (you can use corn oil if you can’t find groundnut oil but most supermarkets stock it now)
225g plain flour
40g cornflour
3 level teaspoons baking powder
225g caster sugar
2 lemons - zest and juice

For the lemon curd:
1 lemon – zest and juice
75g caster sugar
2 eggs
50g unsalted butter

For the filling and covering:
350ml whipping cream
Lemon curd (quantity as made above)

How to make:

- Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan oven 160°C/350°F/Gas mark 4.
- Line two 20cm sandwich tins with baking paper.
- Combine the egg yolks with the water and oil and beat until combined.
- Place all the dry ingredients into a bowl i.e. the flour, cornflour, baking powder and sugar, and beat the egg mixture into it until you have a smooth batter.
- Beat in the lemon juice and zest.
- In a separate bowl whisk the egg whites until they are stiff but not dry.
- Fold the egg whites into the lemon batter.
- Divide the mixture between the two prepared cake tins and bake for approximately 35 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the cakes comes out clean. I recommend checking the cakes after 30 minutes as mine were ready by then.
- Leave to cool on a wire rack and remove from the tins as soon as the tin is cool enough to handle.
- Now make the lemon curd: Place the lemon zest and sugar in a bowl.
- Whisk together the lemon juice and eggs and pour over the sugar.
- Cut the butter into little pieces and scatter over the top.
- Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water (or use a bain marie pan if you have one) and cook for approximately 15 minutes.
- Stir occasionally but not obsessively until you have a golden, thick curd.
- Remove from the heat and leave to cool.
- To assemble the cake: Take one of the sponges and spread 2-3 tablespoons of lemon curd over the top.
- Add the remaining lemon curd to the whipping cream and beat until thick and fluffy.
- Spread approximately a third of the cream on top of the sponge with lemon curd on it and sandwich with the other sponge.
- Use the remaining cream to cover the top and sides of the cake.
- Decorate as you wish
- Bask in glory at the wonderful thing you have made.
- Eat.


  1. that looks delish!

    April xx

  2. Happy Birthday CCM :-) and HURRAH! for a yummy alternative to buttercream (seriously, I am thinking about starting a campaign. I shall be taking it to Westminster)I think CK would like this cake.

  3. Wow, that looks fab! Lucky CCM!!!

    I love lemony things, and am intruiged by the method for making the cake - I'll be adding this to the (long) list of things to make soon!

  4. What a great looking cake, it looks so light and airy!

  5. Oh lemony love. Love, love, love. That is one lavishly lovely cake.

    Crusading One, I should know this by now, but what exactly is groundnut oil? I use a lot of canola (rapeseed) oil and peanut for cooking but haven't found anything specifically labelled groundnut.

    Thanks! Gorgeous as always. :)

  6. Hi Lisa

    I've learned something here - apparently groundnut oil is peanut oil, no more, no less. Maybe it's only called groundnut oil in the uk?

    Hope this helps!

  7. You never fail to please me on Monday mornings CC!!!

  8. Crazy! I just want to take a huge bite out of it.
    What a delicious looking cake!

  9. Happy Birthday CCM!!

    Wow, that cake looks absolutely amazing!! I'm also adding this to my list of must bakes.


  10. Lucky CCM! It's a shame that you don't like lemon - I am a huge fan, and I know that I'd love this cake. Happy birthday to CCM!

  11. Looks wonderful. You can't beat lemon curd for a nice tangy cake filling. Love how generous you have been with the creamy filling - yum!

  12. That is an unbelievably moist looking cake! And I also checked our the brownies. One word-DIVINE :)

  13. You have a beautiful rise to your cake. Looks lovely.

  14. Making lemon curd is indeed like alchemy and is fiendishly pleasing to make. It feels like 'real' cooking.

  15. That looks wonderful. The great thing about baking with oil is that you can just leave the eggs out too.

    I am intrigued by coloured flame birthday candles.

  16. A beautiful cake C.C. for C.C.M. Wishing C.C.M. a very happy belated birthday!!

    Another bookmarked cake I just adore anything with lemon as you know.

    Apologies for not calling by earlier due to my back circumstances.

    Rosie x

  17. thanks for such great instructions.. This cake looks amazing♥ Happy B-Day CCM

  18. Lemon cake is probably my favourite cake of all, this looks amazing!

  19. I made this cake this morning! it was super yummy! so light and fluffy!xxx
