Sunday 17 May 2009

Almond cupcakes with jam and buttercream

The cupcake part of the recipe yielded the lightest sponge I’ve come across for a long time. Usually, when you take a cupcake from the oven it’s very soft and firms up on cooling – these remained so delicately soft that I had to be careful how I held them when applying the buttercream.

As the sponge was so delicate I decided to use the jam in a different way to normal; I made a well in the centre of the buttercream and think it looks rather pretty!

The CCB (Caked Crusader’s Brother) got these spot on when he called them Bakewell cupcakes. They do have all the flavours of Bakewells but in a lighter format. I have dabbled in all forms of Bakewells and I know they are the most popular items on my site. Just to recap we’ve had Bakewell sandwich cake, individual Bakewell tarts, and a giant Bakewell tart.

There’s something about jam and buttercream together that is marvellous. For many of us our earliest experiences of cake will be sponge with a tasty, sweet filling. Maybe that’s why it’s so comforting. As I write this the sky is grey and the rain is pouring down but, somehow, my cupcakes mean it will feel like a sunny day.

Also, while we’re on the subject of cupcakes I’d like to remind you all of the upcoming first occurrence of Iron Cupcake: London. All entrants are welcome.

For the cupcake:
150g unsalted butter, at room temperature
150g caster sugar
3 eggs
100g self raising flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
50g ground almonds
A few drops of almond extract
1 tablespoon milk, if needed

For the topping:
80g unsalted butter, at room temperature
200g icing sugar
A few drops of almond extract
1-2 tablespoons milk (I needed 2)
Raspberry jam

How to make:

- Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan oven 160°C/350°F/Gas mark 4.
- Line a patty tin with 12 paper cases.
- Start with the cupcakes: beat the butter in a bowl until very soft.
- Add all the other ingredients, except the milk and beat until you have a smooth, light batter.
- If the batter won’t drop freely from a spoon, add the milk.
- Spoon the mixture into the 12 paper cases and bake for 15-20 minutes until a skewer inserted in the centre of the cakes comes out clean.
- Leave to cool on a wire rack.
- Now make the buttercream: beat the butter until it is very soft.
- Sift the icing sugar over the butter and also add the almond extract and milk.
- Beat until you have a smooth, light buttercream. I always take a tiny amount onto my tongue and push it against the roof of my mouth. If it’s smooth, it’s ready. If you sense a gritty texture it needs more beating.
- Spread on top of the cupcakes and make a well in the centre.
- Beat the jam a little to loosen it up, then spoon into the wells. I used about 1/3 – ½ a teaspoon per cupcake.
- Bask in glory at the wonderful thing you have made.
- Eat.


  1. These look wonderful - and yes it has never stopped raining today! Anything 'Bakewell' would brighten up my day.

  2. wow wow wow
    this and the pineapple cake seem to be just the remedy for cold wet may days :D

  3. Good luck in Iron Cupcake London.Almond flavor has to be best ever.

  4. I'm so using this recipe to make my cupcakes!

  5. I am drooling as I look at these! So much nicer than your average cupcake. I think it is the jam that does it for me!

  6. hmmmm yummi!, but I cant help but think they look like boobs! hehehe. my sister-in-law is breastfeeding at the moment, maybe thats where the boob thing comes from.

  7. One word...DELISH!! My hubby would absolutely adore these babies because he loves anything bakewell.


  8. Hmmm I shall try this out. I am on the look out for a new cupcake recipe...
    If only I were close enough to join the Iron Cupcake challenge -but alas Dusseldorf is just that little bit too far at the moment...

  9. Those look great. My kids would go crazy over that!

    Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  10. Mmm, this looks totally delicious! I love how a simple sponge and a buttercream with jam can be so absolutely delicious--and comforting. Such a great job! Sorry that I've been an absent commenter; I just finished up my law school exams and am finally getting around to my google reader.

  11. Might be a silly question, but how do you get your buttercream so white? am i just using entirely the wrong butter? Yours look so pretty!!


  12. Hi Daisy

    The buttercream is what I would call off-white, maybe the flash makes it look whiter than it is.

    Butters do vary greatly in colour. I always use Lurpack unsalted for baking and buttercreams.

    Hope this helps!

  13. Marvellous, i just wanted to make sure i wasn't a total baking dunce :O)

    Totally love your blog btw. long time lurker, first time comment-er xx

  14. Oh yum they looks so delicious! I love the big blob of jam on top - would be great to bite through and then get to the fluffy sponge underneath. I want one!

  15. Sounds like the recipe I've been after, Cakey... Thanks for sharing!

  16. I love almond desserts. The cupcakes look so good!

  17. Yum! I can't believe how light and fluffy they look. I love the use of jam.

  18. I love the sight of jam sitting on top of the buttercream, what a contrasting colour. This give me another idea on how to use up leftover jam....he..he..he

  19. Cool blog!
    I have some cake recipes on my own blog, if you'd like to take a peek :¬)
    Mrs.Pogle xx

  20. OMG! this is awesome! I wonder when I get to taste your bakings!

  21. Feedback
    Recipe tried (with a slight variation) and I am pleased to report 100% success and so I reported it on my own blog.
    I just hope they last 24 hours although at the rate we are eating them . . .

  22. I am loving that dollop of ruby jam in the middle of these cuppies.

  23. Talk about drooling here - just let me take my tongue off the monitor.... Gosh, your cupcakes are magnificent C.C.

    Rosie x
