Sunday 12 April 2009

Easter baking

I revisited some old favourites this week but put an Easter spin on them all.

Easter biscuits

The CCM (Caked Crusader’s Ma) is getting very bolshie of late in her demands and she made it quite clear that she was expecting me to arrive on Sunday with some Easter biscuits. Seeing as there is only one weekend a year you can make these (and be seasonal) I couldn’t really refuse.

Easter biscuits are like little girls i.e. made of sugar and spice and all things nice! The warm spicy smells that waft from the oven as they bake are the food equivalent for me of sailors being lured to the rocks by Sirens, except in my example I eat a biscuit rather than die, which seems the better deal all things considered.

The recipe for Easter biscuits can be found here on my site.

Vanilla biscuits

Next on the list are my favourite vanilla biscuits. I wanted to make these so I could try out my new biscuit cutter.

You will notice that the cutter has a companion piece which you push into the biscuit for detail. This also provides a template for icing the biscuit. I bought my cutter from Lakeland Limited – whatever did we do before this marvellous company existed? I’ve tried to find a link to the item but it’s not on their site anymore. The stencil part, gives very crisp detailing:

These Easter bunnies look so chirpy it was almost a shame to eat them! (NB. I overcame this feeling in about – ooh, three seconds, maybe less)

The recipe for Vanilla biscuits can be found here on my site.

Genoese sponge

My final item involves Genoese sponge. It wouldn’t be a holiday weekend without some sort of sponge creeping onto the tea table!

Normally I make large cakes out of Genoese so thought it would be fun to go to the opposite end of the spectrum. These tiny little sponges are the cake equivalent of a shot or an amuse bouche. The larger sponge in the background is the size of a cupcake, so you can see just how tiny the sponges in front are:

You can fill the cake with cream or buttercream but I went for my favourite ‘dipping sauce’ filling (recipe set out below).

The Genoese sponge recipe can be found here on my site.

Dipping sauce

Dipping sauce has only three ingredients and is the work of minutes to make but is utterly heavenly:

250g Mascarpone cheese
500ml Good quality Ready-made custard

How to make:
- Whisk ingredients together until blended, thick and creamy.
- Refrigerate until needed.
- Bask in glory at the wonderful thing you have made.
- Eat.


  1. Oof, thanks for all these fabulous recipes and for the peep at your entire warren of bunny friends.

    That dipping sauce is a work of genius. Oh yes. Who needs buttercream or icing?

  2. These are all so cute, I especially love the bunny cookies. Happy easter!

  3. Love the bunny cookies - I really didn't need to go to Lakeland, but I do now!

    Love the little chicks too - I'd not seen them in different colours like that before though! Got to ask - how did you make the dips in the cakes? - very clever!

  4. I love the little Genoese sponges!

    I hope you had a great Easter!

  5. You lured me in, hook, line and sinker. English Madeleines...that's what they're called. I've had these, and loved them, on one of my visits to the U.K. Lovely! I'm also thinking these would be perfect for my strawberry shortcake molds.

    Everything here looks lovely. Wish I could enjoy tea at your table.

  6. Hi C

    I didn't make the dips - it was the shape of the tin...bought've guessed it! Lakeland Limited!!! Some months I think it would just be easier to get my salary paid directly to Lakeland!

  7. So when are you giving up the numbers rackett and opening a shop? Love the rabbit cookies!

  8. Mmm, your biscuits look amazing! I love those bunnies, too. Oh, and your genoise look awesome. You have me totally hungry! Great bakes!

  9. The bunnies are so pretty! LOVED the biscuit cutter. Fantastic stuff!

  10. Love everything, especially the bunnies! You have decorated them superbly.

  11. All your Easter treats look fabulous! I adore the bunnie biscuits - so cute. How did you create the hollows in the spponge cakes? You are always so creative

  12. Those bunny biscuits are just so good! They did make me smile. Lucky mum :)

  13. all thos easter goodies that you had made, my my my so gorgoeous, so bunny and chick! :)

  14. Awww I heart your bunny cookie cutter! Yes, they look *almost* too good to eat!

  15. Now come clean, did you only make two bunnies and, by force of nature, many more appeared? :)

    I'd say it's a shame to eat such gorgeous little nibbly things but once you get the sugar and butter creamed until light and fluffy cuteness is out the window. I'd love a seat at your tea table.

  16. I'm glad I found your blog! I love baking so will be trying out some of your recipes!

  17. Wow, these look great. I wish I had known about these in time for my Easter Dessert round-up.

  18. What a spread for Easter! The Bunny biscuits are a fav for me. You're right do they do extremely chirpie!

  19. Oh wow, I adore those bunny cookies! In fact everything looks amazing ;o)

