Wednesday 31 December 2008

New ways with old favourites...

Whenever I make a celebration cake or anything involving sponge, you are virtually guaranteed it will be made with Genoese sponge, the recipe for which can be found here.

This time I went for a snowman theme. I think the cold winter light we’re having at the moment works rather well in this photo:

What is the collective noun for snowmen? A slush?

I used glace icing for these as it dries smooth and icy looking. It’s very simple to make and is simply icing sugar and water. Add the water sparingly as a little goes a long way.

Genoese sponge is yummy. It’s dense texture and crumbliness is lovely to eat and it keeps for several days too.


  1. Those little snowmen are so cute!!! I love them.

    Happy 2009!

  2. you have done a great job at making these snowmen! what a lovely looking sponge! wonderful!

  3. Those are so stinking cute!!! Love them! Bookmarking this one so I can remember it!
