Sunday, 9 September 2007

What the Caked Crusader chose to bake to this week (8 Sept 07)

It was a mammoth 2-day session of baking this week for my nephew’s birthday party. Day one entailed rolling out biscuit dough and icing faces on the biscuits. For this I chose Catatonia. Is it just me or is it impossible to sing along to Cerys Matthews without putting on a Welsh accent? I love her voice – it’s so raw and powerful yet can switch to soft and delicate in a second. I did learn one lesson though – it’s impossible to ice faces on biscuits if singing about ‘Road Rage’ with gusto; you can’t hold the icing bag steady!

Day two was the more labour intensive day: cupcakes and decoration, plus large party cake. For this it had to be Bobby. Bobby Darin is quite simply the best singer who’s ever walked the earth. I have every single one of his albums and have them in all saved in a single MP3 file. Put that on shuffle and you have hours of entertainment ranging from 1950s rock and roll, to big band, to protest/folk/spiritual. You never know what’s coming up next. Just hearing him close ‘I Got Rhythm’ with “anyone who wants anymore than that outta life is just plain evil” and you know you are listening to something special. Which incidentally is the title of one of his rarer recordings. Find out more at this cool fan website.


  1. "Bobby Darin is quite simply the best singer who’s ever walked the earth"--ok, I love reading that! Thank you for saying what had to be said.

    Dedicated to the Life, Legend and Legacy of Bobby Darin

  2. There is a lot on this blog about music to listen to when creating cake, but it is essential to have the right music playing when one is eating cake.

    We recommend that soulful balladeer who sings of unrequited love and lost romance, who takes your mind right away from how much cake you are eating - the one and only Jimmy Mesene. Just look at these perfect records for eating cake:

    "I never had a chance" - when others have emptied the cake tin...
    "Isn't it heavenly" - play while eating any cake featured here...
    "It costs so little" - when eating a rum baba cupcake...
    "Making a fool of myself" - while eating far too much cake...
    "I'll never smile again" - when you go to the cupboard and someone has eaten your last piece of a favourite cake...
    "Count your blessings" - when you have an adequate supply of cake...
    "Deep purple" - when thinking of that georgeous damson jam...
    "Blue moments" - as you eat the last piece of a favourite cake...
    "Afterglow" - that lovely full feeling after a cake eating session...
    "Symphony of the breeze" - when you have eaten far too much cake...
    "Let the curtain come down" - when you feel you are near to bursting..
    "It's all forgotten now" - when that feeling passes...
    "The greatest mistake of my life" - after trying to give up cake...
    "It's the talk of the town" - when this cake blog has been update...
