Monday 24 May 2010

Iron Cupcake London – Challenge XI: CELEBRATION

Our eleventh challenge to be held on Monday 7th June marks our first birthday. I know! Where has the time gone?

The theme is therefore CELEBRATION! Bake any cupcake you wish as long as it’s suitable for a celebration.

All challenge details (times, venue location, requirements etc) can be found here.

Bakers - please let me know if you intend to enter and which contest (i.e. amateur or pro) you are entering.

Hope to see you there!


  1. I have to enter or at least come. I ahve been meaning to do so for a year so there really is no excuse.

    Nag me to turn up!

  2. I may make it this time if I can get to London.

    BTW, I have given you an award. Please visit my blog for details.

  3. Hiya,

    I'll be there. Question: would it be okay to make some mini cupcakes, instead of the cut-in-half ones?

  4. Hi Shannon

    Yes - mini cupcakes are most welcome as an alternative to cutting some in half!

    Good luck!
