Wednesday 21 April 2010

Iron Cupcake London – Challenge X: Fruit

The theme: FRUIT - if your cupcake contains fruit it meets the theme. Simple as that! You can use one fruit or a hundred fruits (or anywhere inbetween!), use it in the cake, in the frosting, use fresh or dried, jams or syrups, anything at all as long as it’s fruity – if it can contribute to our ‘five a day’ we’re happy!

All challenge rules and requirements, along with details as to times and locations can be found here

As always, please email me to confirm if you’re entering, and tell me which contest i.e. professional or amateur you wish to compete in.

Event details:

Monday 10th May 2010

6.00pm – 9.00pm

Still uncertain as to whether you want to come along…why not take Marie Catoinette’s advice:

See you there!

1 comment:

  1. Just stumbled across your blog and I love your blog and especially your name! Keep up the great work!

