Sunday 21 March 2010

Hotel Chocolat Giveaway

What’s better than an easter egg? How about a FREE easter egg!

The lovely people at Hotel Chocolat have given me one of their extra thick chocolate eggs to try and have offered to send an egg to the lucky (UK mainland based) winner of my giveaway. Their Easter range is quite stunning.

When Hotel Chocolat say an egg is extra thick they really mean it – look at it!!! That chocolate is soooooo thick it’s a challenge to bite through it….a challenge I met, you’ll be pleased to know!

My egg was the “
Your Eggsellency” extra thick egg – it suits all tastes as one shell is milk chocolate and the other is dark chocolate studded with cocoa nibs – it’s a great egg to share as there’s something for everyone.
If that wasn’t enough, it’s filled with deliciously boozy truffle eggs including champagne and strawberry, rum and caramel, and amaretto. Whoever said “yummy” is spot on!

So, now you are drooling in anticipation of receiving one of these beauties, you’ll be wondering how you can win.
It couldn’t be easier – simply leave a comment telling me who you’d like to deliver your easter egg (it could be a relative, a celebrity, a fictional character or the Easter bunny himself!) and what sort of chocolate the egg would be made from.

Closing date for comments is 11.59pm Saturday 27 March and I’ll make the draw and post details of the winner on Sunday 28.
Hotel Chocolat will send the egg to the winner.

Good luck


  1. I'm a sucker for a pure milk chocolate egg. Not delivered by any sort of celebrity because that would be way too embarassing. Just send it with the courier man, please! :)

  2. Great giveaway! The eggs look amazing! I'll take a delivery from the easter bunny please ;) And as for the chocolate having a look on the website the Rocky Road To Caramel™ Extra Thick Easter Egg looks perfect

  3. We have a passion for Hotel Chocolat up here on the hill. In fact a 'Goddess' plaque may have been the centrepiece of a delightful Mother's Day for someone very lucky.

    As to the deliverer,
    *destructoBoy says me
    *CK lacks imagination and can't think of anyone
    * Pr. Curly-Wurly is in the shower and can't answer
    * I say Cesar Millan because I would love to chat with him (assuming he wasn't following Royal Mail timeframes for parcel delivery).

  4. My fiance! And I would want milk chocolate, I think.

  5. I'd like it delivered by a giant bunny from the centre as I'm a sucker for a giant bunny and their fabulously twitchy noses :)
    As for the egg - I think the You Crack me Up egg looks fantastic! I love the mixture of milk and some white chocolate and best of all you get a white chocolate bunny inside - perfect :)

  6. Harvey the invisible bunny.

    I love dark chocolate...the darker the better. I love the 80% green and blacks, but I'm sure I'd enjoy this one too. :-)

  7. It would have to be a dark chocolate egg, delivered by Ryan Reynolds.

    Both the egg and the delivery man are delicious!

  8. Hmm, they look delicious!

    I'd like Leo Di Caprio to deliver the egg please, personally. I might even share it with him if he's lucky.

    I'd very much like the milk chocolate egg - yummy!

  9. Oh a dark 40% or even HC's 60% milk chocolate egg for me. Delivered by a host of old friends who I never get to see who I can share it with.

  10. I love the name of the Easter egg. The contents look fabulous too!

  11. Hmmm - tricky but it would have to be a dark milk chocolate - ie a bit less than 70% cocoa solids (lovely though that is - and delivered by my lovely Dh - just before he takes our 3 children out for the day (though I would of course save some egg for him to thank him for the day of blissful quiet and the opportunity to bake something without "help"!)

  12. The dark chocolate with cocoa nibs sounds amazing actually - I'd want to try that! (might have to hunt that out sometime)
    I think I'd like the Easter bunny to deliver it (or the boyfriend, but he would probably eat it and I'd only get the crumbs!).
    I love hotel chocolat stuff, it's probably fortunate for my money and my health that there isn't one close to me!

  13. MMMM! What a yummy giveaway! I think it would have to be the Eggsibitionist in milk chocolate. To be devlivered by my Hubby - corny I know but I'm afraid I do have leanings towards the corny side. :)

  14. I would like my a you crack me up egg to be delivered by Johnny Depp ( having played willie wonka, he is bound to know a thing or two about chocolate ) and if he is lucky I might share the egg.

  15. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog! :-) Even though I'm not in the UK, I enjoyed gazing at the gorgeous photos of this incredible egg! :-) I'm also swooning over your beautiful walnut cake...

  16. The devil himself could show up with that egg and I would be pleased to see him!! It looks amazing. Just looking at the egg I already feel a stone heavier! X

  17. Ooh, I gave up chocolate for Lent and with only 2 weeks left to go, I can't think of anything better to break my chocolate-fast with than one of these beauties. At this stage of cocoa deprivation I wouldn't be fussed if it was dark, milk or white chocolate!

    Oh and I'd like it to be delivered by a real-life Lindt bunny please, because then I could eat him too :D

  18. FAB giveaway! I'm drewling :) My easter egg would ideally be delivered by my husband as I wake up on easter morning and my ideal egg would be Rocky Road To Caramel™ Extra - I have never seen anything as spectacular! thank you x

  19. A half milk like 30 % and half dark chocolate egg like 70% would be nice delivered by Rick Stein, then may be he could stay and cook some food before leaving!!!! Nikki

  20. If only I lived in the UK ...

  21. Wow what an egg! My perfect easter egg would be made of dark chocolate with praline filled chocolate mini eggs inside - sounds just like the eggsibitionist!
    And the deliveryman? Well my boyfriend as all good things in life taste better when shared...I might regret that statement later when he scoffs the whole lot!

  22. Ooooh Fabulous!!! For me, my perfect egg would be Chilli Chocolate, super dark and scrummy chocolate that turns round and bites you right back! And delivered by Brad Pitt please ;) xx

  23. Mmmm mine would be the Your Eggsellency extra thick egg. It has to be a winner being deliciously half milk and half plain AND filled with those truffles. The rum truffle will whisk me back to my Caribbean island I suspect! The deliveryman? Well, I'd love to have it delivered by a young Elvis but as he is no more *sigh* I'll settle for the only Sikh Elvis impersonator in the world - he can croon "My Poppadom Told Me" while I munch. I'll pay him in chocolate.

  24. You know what Sam, I'd send you an easter egg! And it will have gooey lychee caramel flavour and lychee jam in it ;)

  25. How about a dark chocolate peanut butter carmel egg! Delivered by Spongebob. That would be fun.

  26. The egg looks fantastic!!!
    I'd like it to be a nice, dark 70% chocolate. As to the delivery? It would have to be my gorgeous partner Bernard!


  27. Wow. That is a great give away. I just love milk chocolate with soft caramel centres. Delivered by Cliff Richard.

  28. What a delicious give away. I loke milk chocolate with soft caramel centres - delivered by Cliff Richard

  29. Sorry about that. The first one didn't show to start with!

  30. My egg would be dark chocolate with raspberry... mmm...

    I would like my egg to be delivered by the singer Clay Aiken. I do not really care who he is, but I read that he is allergic to all forms of chocolate - and this is the only way of ensuring that the delivery person does not get too tempted along the way to my flat and start nibbling... I know I might...

  31. ha! i would like james mcavoy to show up on my door with an egg-stra large milk chocolate easter egg for me. then hopefully i could use the egg to get him in the door, lock him in, and eat the whole egg myself!

  32. It would have to be Willy Wonka, not the film version, but the illustration and it would have to be a shell of thick minimum 70% chocolat and filled with a mysterious selection of truffles and ganaches, with some salted caramels thrown in for good measure. Failing that I'll have Alan Rickman and a giant peanut butter chocolate egg please :)

  33. I love Hotel Chocolat! I had one of their Easter eggs a few years ago and nothing else has come close. It will have to be dark chocolate for me. I would like the cast of Gossip Girl to deliver it because I really shouldn't but somehow I love watching it ;P

  34. Who cares Kraft took over Cadbury, when you can get proper Easter eggs like this. definitely an adults only egg to remind us how Easter felt when we opened those eggs as kids. I famously climbed a full size book case to get to my eggs (age3) . I'd climb a lot further for this! . Yum Yum. yes please

  35. Excellent giveaway daaaahling!
    I'd like the delivery boy to be my hubbs :) and as for the chocolate I'd love it to be really rich belgian chocolate. Simple but delicious.

    I'm doing a give away too to celebrate my blog's new website for £50 of Amazon vouchers.
    I hope you check it out.
    *kisses* HH
