Sunday 28 February 2010

Mother’s day treat tower from Interflora

Lucky, lucky me – look what Interflora sent me to try! This is how it arrives:

Interflora have a section of their site dedicated to Mother's Day (quite right too!) - check out Mothers day flowers and Mothers day gifts for more details. This tower of goodies has everything you need to pamper your mother on Mother’s Day. The two gorgeous baskets include:

Lorina Pink Lemonade

Hessian Gift Bag of All Butter Lemon Biscuits

Droste Chocolate Pastilles

New English Camomile Tea

Mrs Bridges Peach & Apricot Preserve

Gift Box of Cocoabean Handmade Chocolate Marshmallows

Hider Chocolate Coated Peanuts

Divine Fairtrade White Chocolate with Strawberries

Kshocolat Milk Chocolate Blackcurrants

We so often think of flowers for Mother’s Day (and if you want flowers where better than Interflora?) but surely sometimes your mum would prefer a selection of tasty treats?


  1. That's cool! My mum would love that, mind you so would I!!

  2. Food for the soul or food for the stomach - hum - think I'd go for the tasty treats! Have fun.

  3. I loved the chocolate blackcurrants

  4. I wish I got that in the mail.

  5. Thanks for sharing the mothers day gift ideas. It was nice going through your blog. keep it up the good work.
