Wednesday 13 January 2010

Iron Cupcake London Challenge VIII – Love

In response to feedback we are making some changes this month. To make these easier to spot they appear in red. We want to keep this event open to as many eaters as possible and therefore respectfully ask that people only take the cupcakes that they (and their friends) can manage to eat. I’m sure you’ll all agree that our fab bakers go to a lot of effort and it’s a shame if that effort is not respected. Hopefully, this will sort out any issues – if it doesn’t we might have to look at ticketing the event with a finite number of places for eaters…but we really don’t want to have to do this as we don’t want Londoners to be starved of cupcakes! Thank you in advance for your kindness and understanding!

Requirements: Make a minimum of 18 cupcakes that interpret the theme of LOVE in any way you wish – if you can make more please do…the more you make, the more people can taste your delicious creation (and vote for you!) Please feel free to enter as many types of cupcake as you wish, I only ask that you have at least 18 of each.
Please cut at least 6 of your cupcakes in half, so that smaller tables can still sample everything.

Voting: Bakers and Judges will vote individually, each table of eaters will also have a vote too.

Bakers - As usual, please let me know if you plan to enter the competition so we can gauge numbers. We are now going to split the competition in two – one category for professionals*, one for amateurs**. Please indicate which competition you are entering.
*You are a professional entrant if you have a cupcake business, if you regularly sell cupcakes for profit (i.e. not charitable events or fetes) or you are a professionally trained chef/baker.
**You are an amateur entrant if you have, once or twice, taken a small commission from friends or family for a wedding etc and have received a fee to cover your costs or are a home/recreational baker.

Event details:

Monday 1st February 2010

6.00pm – 9.00pm

Venue – The Cuban Bar, Citypoint, One Ropemaker Street, EC2Y 9AYFor a map click here
Although the address is Ropemaker Street it’s actually on the Citypoint plaza. Just behind the Moorgate tube station entrance that’s in the row of shops including HMV, Hotel Chocolat, Eat and Clinton Cards, you’ll see a very tall building. That’s the Citypoint Tower. Head towards it and you’ll see a paved plaza-type area. Near the base of the tower you will see a small newsagent kiosk and a Costa, to the left of these (if looking at the tower) are The Rack & Tenter, then Prets. Head towards Prets into a covered walkway at the base of City point. This is where the Cuban bar is. We’ll be in the basement.

Entry fee for eaters: £5 (Entry fee includes tea or coffee). Bakers enter for FREE!

Timetable of events:

6.00-6.45pm – Entries are labelled and plated up

6.45 onwards – Eating and voting commences

Incidentally, The Caked Crusader and, consequently, ICL are now on Facebook and Twitter. Why not befriend Samantha Cake on Facebook – it’s me!!!! And then become a fan of the Caked Crusader page. We will be using this to post news of upcoming events, have discussions, in fact anything fun involving cake. To make it even easier here’s a link. On Twitter you can find me as CakedCrusader. So there’s no excuse not to stay in touch.

As the event expands it has become necessary for us to set out some disclaimers relating to the event namely that, as we are hosts of the event and don’t actually oversee any of the baking, we take people at their word as to the ingredients of the cupcakes and the environment in which they are prepared. It is unlikely that any entries are prepared in nut-free kitchens and anyone with allergies or intolerances should bear that in mind. Similarly, if an entrant tells us that an entry is vegan-friendly we believe them – feel free to chat to them on the night before sampling if you have any concerns. Your entry fee entitles you to free tea and coffee. Of course you can also sample all the cupcakes, for which we accept no liability.

1 comment:

  1. Wow this event is becoming really popular, I think you are do a great job keeping it all in order. BTW, I have given you an award. Please visit my blog for details.
