Sunday 31 January 2010

Giant English Madeleine

I apologise to readers if this post is coming up in random font sizes - I have no idea why it's doing this and have spent the past hour trying to correct it but blogger just won't play ball. If anyone has any ideas I'm all ears!

I had the need for something light and spongy this week. Browsing through my blog to see what delights I had previously created (what can I say? I’m a blog narcissist!) I had a hankering for some English Madeleines but how to make them fresh and new, I pondered. Then it hit me – what about the concept of a Madeleine but as a large sponge rather than a dainty, individual offering? Bingo. My cake needs were sated!

I’ve used a Victoria sponge recipe for the cake and tweaked the quantities to make one nice, deep 20 cm sponge rather than the shallower sandwich sponges you’d typically make with such a batter. It’s a very easy recipe to scale and, other than adjusting the cooking time marginally there’s nothing to worry about. The combination of soft sponge with sweet, fruity jam and then crispy coconut is heavenly. Comfort in cake form!

Brushing warm jam over a sponge and then rolling it in coconut is one of those kitchen tasks I could happily perform all day without getting bored. It’s so pleasing and looks so – somehow – cute when finished!

I had help with this one – the CCBF (Caked Crusader’s Boyfriend) helped with the jam and the coconut rolling. Also, I have an announcement: I will never refer to the CCBF again. Before you start picturing a coconut/jam fuelled tiff I should tell you that it’s because he proposed yesterday so I am promoting him to Mr CC from now on! Am I the luckiest girl on the planet? It certainly feels like it!

For the cake:
190g unsalted butter, at room temperature
165g caster sugar
3 eggs
60ml milk
225g self raising flour
Approx 100g Desiccated coconut
½ jar Seedless raspberry jam – you might use more (or less) depending on your jam needs.


Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan oven 160°C/350°F/Gas mark 4.
Line the base of a 20cm springform round tin with baking paper.
Start by making the cakes: Beat together the butter, sugar until light and fluffy.
Don’t skimp on this stage as this is when you get lots of lovely air into your sponge.
Beat in the eggs gradually, add some of the flour if it looks like it might curdle.
Beat in the milk.
Stir in the flour until the mixture is smooth and well combined.
Spoon into the prepared tin and level the surface.
Bake for approximately 30 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre of the sponge comes out clean. Another good sign is if the sponge is just pulling away from the edge of the tin. Mine took nearer 40 minutes.
Leave to cool in the tins for about 20 minutes before turning out and leaving to cool completely on a wire rack.
You can make the sponge a day in advance and store in an airtight tin.
Melt some jam in a saucepan over a low heat. Don’t let it bubble.
Brush the jam over the sides of the sponge then roll in desiccated coconut.
Brush the remaining jam over the top of the sponge and sprinkle coconut over the top until there is a good even covering.
Decorate with glace cherries if you like but I didn’t bother.
Bask in the glory of the wonderful thing you have made.


  1. Congratulations!!!! Here's hoping you and Mr CC will be very happy together! I'm sure you'll be a great team - you've already got him trained to help with cake decoration (and consumption!) and in the gift department too!

  2. Congratulations! He sounds like a keeper from your posts :-)

  3. Congratulations from an RSS lurker! Can't wait to see your wedding cake. :-)

  4. Many congratulations - thats wonderful news!
    The cake looks looks and sound yummy and so light and fluffy. I do love how deep your bake your cakes. No idea why your font sizes are coming out all random - its quite quirky and artistic though :)

  5. Congrats!! Blogger does this to me too!! Yummy looking cake

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!! That's wonderful news! May you enjoy a long happy cake filled life together! All the best!

  7. Ah CC - it's the cake - it works every time, and I should know!!!

    I love the Giant English Madeleine.

    I am definitely not a computer genius - my husband said he will have a look and I will report back to you.

  8. .....yippee!!proof,if any was needed,that the way to a mans heart is INDEED through his stomach! Lovely news,now get planning that GIANT of a wedding cake.....

  9. :D Congratulations! Mr CC obviously knows he's onto a winner - and how right he is with these delicious delights coming out of your kitchen. Blogger can be such a pain in the bum but can't help you, I'm afraid. Unless you try changing back to the old editor screen - that sometimes helps with me and spacing. (Settings, Basic, Global Settings, Select post editor) Might be worth a try!

  10. Congratulations! I can't wait to see what the wedding cake will be :)))

  11. Congratulations! Wishing you both a lifetime of love and happiness.

  12. Congratulations- I love your blog! Your recipes and your wit in describing the baking process always bring a smile to my face. Your madeleine recipe was the 1st thing I tried when I found your site and it reminded me of the ones I'd buy from the bakery in Bermuda where I'm from. Best wishes for the future!

  13. Congratulations! Let the wedding cake shopping commence!

  14. Congratulations from across the pond! May you both have much happiness and many great cakes in your future.

    I have made madeleines many times, never realizing there was more than one nationality. I think I will have to give the English version a try.

  15. Huge Congrats on the engagement!

    Wishing you lots of love, happiness and cakes

    April xx

  16. Congrations CC that's fanatastic!

  17. Congratulations, that is wonderful news.

    How are you going to choose just one wedding cake? Watch this blog!

  18. Congratulations. Will try this cake, but wondered if it'll come out alright if I substituted the milk with yoghurt? Anytime I put milk in my sponges, they turn out kind of tough and unspongy!

  19. Hi Anon

    There isn't much milk in this recipe so I'd recommend trying it. Not sure if the yoghurt would change the flavour and texture.
