Sunday 13 December 2009 fantastic giveaway! is a fantastic website. What is does is gather together all the discount codes and vouchers floating around the internet meaning that you need never miss out on an offer again!

Since discovering it, it’s become my “go to” site before I order anything online or visit any restaurants. It doesn’t just have internet codes, but also ones you can print off and use in restaurants and shops. When you think about it, it’s mad NOT to use it – particularly in the run up to Christmas.

One of the most popular current offers is £15 off Wine and Champagne orders over £50 at Tesco. You will be taken straight to it by clicking here. The expiry date of the offer is the same as the competition so just think – you could shortly be baking your dream giant cupcake and sipping bargain top brand champagne or wine! How decadently festive!

As if all this wasn’t reason enough to love the lovely people there have given me TWO cake tins to give away as prizes on my blog. Yes! Two lucky winners will each win one of these gorgeous Wilton giant cupcake tins (retailing for anything upwards of £25 each!)

All you need to do, to be in with a chance of winning, is to leave a comment to this post telling me your favourite cupcake flavour. Due to the weight of the tins (and hence the postage costs!) this competition is limited to entrants living in England, Scotland and Wales.

Closing date for entries is 10am Sunday 20th December when the two lucky winners will be selected by way of lucky dip - I’ll post the results later that day.

Good luck!


  1. My favourite is Guinness and Bailey's. Rich, dark chocolatey Guinness sponge with a creamy Bailey's frosting. Very grown up!

  2. I love lemon cupcakes. Sweet, but at the same time sour enough to make your face go funny for a moment.

  3. I love traditional vanilla cupcake with a scrummy vanilla butter frosting

  4. How wonderful!
    I love ginger cupcakes with lemon icing.

  5. I don't think anything can beat a good vanilla cupcake. Especially since I can never make up my mind what flavour to make, this way I can make a batch and have a variety of fillings and toppings to suit my every mood!

  6. Deep, rich chocolate. Mmm mmm mmm. Especially with a raspberry puree swirled through.

  7. Blackforest cupcakes... with real cream and proper cherry jam.

  8. Has to be lemon every time - the sharpness cuts through the sweetness of the buttercream and stops it being sickly (though I have to aadmit it was a close call with lemon poppyseed with a thin glace icing - made with lemon juice naturally!)

  9. My latest favourite is pumpkin cake with ginger icing. The pumpkin is so subtle and the ginger gives a kick.

  10. I love chocolate cup cake with real pieces of chocolate ....yum yum makes my day!

  11. If you're going to treat yourself and have a cupcake then you can't go wrong with any but I guess a chocolate one is good. The icing has to be nice and sharp though to offset all that sweetness. :)

    Vouchercodes is a great site!

  12. How very generous of you.A superb gift. My favourite flavour is lemon. I think it is lovely with a sweet topping.

  13. My favourite will definitely be vanilla cupcake with dark chocolate frosting..yum yum


  14. Ooh, cupcakes.. hmm, toughie!
    I think.. carrot cake! With walnuts, dried fruit, rich cream cheese icing, and more carrot than cake!
    However, I am partial to a peanut butter cupcake, with little bits of peanut for crunch in the cake! Yumm!

  15. Foir me it has to be a citrus flavour, a tangy orange, or lemon.
    Yumm I feel quite hungry reading all the flavours.


  16. Has to be carrot cake – you get to lick off the sinful icecream first and then eat the "healthy" bit underneath. Carrots cancel out butter and sugar, didn't you know?

  17. I like plain cupcakes, but with lovely buttercream and pretty decoration and always some cake glitter!! X

  18. My absolute favourite cupcake has to dark chocolate sponge, with vanilla and milk chocolate chip cheesecake baked into it, all topped of with some light and fluffy cream cheese frosting, dusted in rich cocoa powder............yummy!!!!!!!

  19. My favourite has to be double chocolate!! have tried to think of something other I may have liked but chocolate wins the day Nikki

  20. moist pear sponge topped with a pear liqueur & chocolate ganache topping

  21. Its got to be carrot, pineapple and coconut with cream cheese frosting!!

  22. It's a tough choice but I think it has to be proper chocolate cupcakes made with real chocolate! Yum!

  23. I would say carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Don't enter me in the drawing, though. I'm from the US. Bummer.

  24. Definitely gingerbread cupcakes with lemon glace/water icing. The icing is tart enough to cut the sweet spiciness of the cupcake perfectly. And I found the recipe here, so thank you!!!

  25. I love an unashamedly over the top red velvet!

  26. There are so many I love.... but my favourite has to be carrot, dusted with powdered sugar instead of frosting.

    (PS My boyfriend's family lives in the UK so please don't disqualify me because I live in Belgium... if I should be so lucky, the tin can be posted to them!)

  27. Just found your blog and it is VERY cute! You truly are the Caked Crusader! Keep up the awesome job you are doing!

    I am in the US, so please exclude me from the giveaway. I just had to tell you what a cute blog you have!


  28. Chocolate wth chocolate chips and Cadbury's chocolate spread,with chocolate button on top!!

  29. A giant cupcake sounds like it might become my new favourite but this year I have kept being drawn to Strawberry cup-cakes. Vanilla sponge marbled with pink sponge and the topping made from cream mixed with fresh strawberry puree plus bits of chopped strawberries.

    Mmmm - I can imagine myself sat in a summer garden eating one right now!


  30. Wow what a great prize. My favourite cupcake flavour....hard choice. Probably carrot cake with lots of spice and a few nuts topped with lemon cream cheese frosting. YUM

  31. Your strawberry cupcakes that you posted about 18 months ago during Wimbledon. Boy were they good!

  32. I'm glad you told me about this, I almost missed it! I think my favourite cupcake flavour is probably chocolate and cherry although I do love lemon as well, It's so hard to choose!

  33. Hi
    Seems like i missed a lot...was going through all your took time to absorb the concepts and the beauty of the cookies and are doing great !

  34. My favourite has to double mint chocolate with mint chocolate frosting. So yummy and moist. I love the way it sticks to the roof of your mouth.

  35. Well, I can't enter, but my favorite flavor is red velvet. :)
