Sunday 20 December 2009 competition results

Thank you for all your entries. I printed them all off, cut them up, folded them so they were all similarly sized and placed them in a box for the CCM (Caked Crusader’s Ma) to pick the two lucky winners, who will each win a fabulous Wilton Giant Cupcake tin kindly donated by

Here are the two winners:

If that’s too small to read here they are:

Margaret said...

How wonderful!
I love ginger cupcakes with lemon icing.

Jo said...

Foir me it has to be a citrus flavour, a tangy orange, or lemon.
Yumm I feel quite hungry reading all the flavours.


Well done ladies. Please email me your full names and addresses using the “email me” button on the right hand side of my page and I’ll send your wonderful prizes off straight away.

Congratulations, and thank you to for donating the prizes.


  1. Congratulations to the winners.

  2. Thank you CC. The cake tin will be a wonderful addition to my collection!

  3. Lucky winners! Merry Xmas to you Crusader.
