Sunday 8 November 2009

Greek yoghurt cake

I fancied something plain this week i.e. no buttercream or fillings. Inspired by the entries for the Iron Cupcake London Spice challenge I decided to jazz up a plain yoghurt cake with some cinnamon.

You can make this cake plain i.e. leave out everything in the recipe I label as “optional”. However, I think it does need something adding to it flavourwise – it could be any spice of your choice, vanilla, alcohol etc. The crunchy cinnamon topping worked really well and gave a nice extra texture. I think it would also be nice with flaked almonds scattered on top.

This is definitely a ‘cut and come again’ cake; one slice is not enough...well, unless you cut it reaaaalllly big!

The addition of yoghurt to the cake gives a nice close textured sponge which manages to be firm and dense but not heavy.

Two photos I came across this week that have made me laugh. I hope they cheer you up too on this bleak, wintry evening!

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

This one's entitled "couldn't possibly another muffin"

Fails Dogs: Couldn't Possibly Another Muffin
more Fail Dogs

125g unsalted butter, at room temperature
220g caster sugar
3 eggs, separated
300g self raising flour
½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
40g ground almonds
280g Greek yoghurt (any plain yoghurt of your choice will do)

Optional topping:
½ teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon caster sugar


- Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan oven 160°C/350°F/Gas mark 4.

- Grease and line a 30cm x 20cm traybake tin with baking paper. You can also use a 20cm round springform tin to achieve a deeper cake but this will probably need longer cooking time.

- Beat together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

- Beat in the egg yolks.

- Stir in the sifted flour and bicarbonate of soda and, if using, the cinnamon. The batter will appear turgid and feel heavy at this point.

- Stir in the almonds and yoghurt.

- In a separate bowl whisk the egg whites until they form soft peaks.

- Fold the egg whites into the yoghurt batter.

- Spread into the prepared tin and level the surface.

- If using the optional topping mix together the cinnamon and sugar and sprinkle over the surface of the cake.

- Bake for approximately 35 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean. If you’re using the round tin it will take longer as the tin is deeper.

- Leave to cool on a wire rack and remove from the tin when cool enough to handle.

- Serve either on its own or with spooning cream

- Bask in the glory of the wonderful thing you have made.

- Eat.


  1. Yoghurt does make cakes lovely and tender and this cake certainly looks it! Love the added cinnamon

  2. woohoo! Yoghurt cake this week :-)

  3. Now that's funny, I made muffins today with yogurt and cinnamon. Love the sound of this cake though, so think I might have to try it.

  4. will have to make this cake as with all the rest!!! You are right about big slices being needed especially as there is no buttercream about!!! Surely the Yogurt almost makes this a health food! Nikki

  5. The yoghurt cake looks wonderful and I love cakes that use yoghurt as one of the ingredients.

  6. Those are very funny and I love the cake.

  7. I make a similar cake and discovered it is lovely with slices of dried apricot and prune added to the mixture!

  8. Yummmmmm. Thanks so much Caked Crusader for saving me a piece of this cake. I've just enjoyed it with a cup of tea (couldn't decide on dinner - salad or this cake....) :)

    The texture is perfect and it tastes amazing. It is GORGEOUS!

  9. I'm so, so impressed by this cake. I've tried the exact same recipe (out of an Australian women's weekly baking book) and it failed utterly. My cake came out lovely and golden and puffy and sank. So I'm not blogging it ;-)

    Super impressed that you can get cakes with separated eggs to work - think that's my downfall....

  10. This cake looks fantastic! I love the cupcake/rat picture. That is hilarious.

  11. I adore yogurt in cakes! Love the moistness and slight tanginess it provides to baked goods. The 'small rodent' picture is so cute :)

  12. Love the fluffy-ness of the cake. The texture looks has the same likeness to sponge cake that I love.

  13. Love cakes with yogurt, it makes the cake so moist.

  14. Great lookng cake - the simple things are often the best.

  15. Made this today and it came out exactly as you described. My husband says it's the best cake he's had, and I can have whatever I want!
