Tuesday 3 November 2009

Iron Cupcake London Challenge VI: Spice

Goodness me! What can I say about last night's Spice challenge? How about that we had 33 entries and over 110 people attending! It was an amazing turnout.
Thanks to all the bakers and eaters who ventured out on a dark and yucky Autumn night and thanks to my crack team of helpers who make the event possible.
As you will appreciate, it will take a little while to write up the evening and process all the photos...so watch this space!


  1. I will have to be patient...

  2. It's such a pity that you are organising this and not participating! Why don't you go for the Earth ironcupcake?Everything is done on the website


  3. Pleased to see that you are doing so well with this and getting lots of support.
