Sunday 20 September 2009

Iron Cupcake London: Challenge V – Booze!

Are your cupcakes up to the challenge? Are you worthy of the Iron Cupcake Winner’s rosette and the acclaim that comes with it? There’s only one way to find out…..

Please note: Due to feedback received from attendees we are working on finding a new venue. We are very close to finalising an extremely exciting new home for ICL and I will announce this shortly.

Incidentally, The Caked Crusader and, consequently, ICL are now on Facebook and Twitter.

Why not befriend Samantha Cake on Facebook – it’s me!!!! And then become a fan of the Caked Crusader page. We will be using this to post news of upcoming events, have discussions, in fact anything fun involving cake. To make it even easier click here for a link.

On Twitter you can find me as CakedCrusader. So there’s no excuse not to stay in touch.

ICL Challenge V: Booze

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum – any pirates entering the challenge may well choose this as their alcoholic ingredient. You, of course, are free to pick anything. If it counts as booze in any way at all you may use it however you wish.

I’m sure that – as usual – you will amaze and delight us!

Requirements: Make a minimum of 12 cupcakes – if you wish to make more please do…the more you make, the more people can taste your delicious creation (and vote for you!)

Please feel free to enter as many types of cupcake as you wish, I only ask that you have at least 12 of each.

On the night everyone will have a say in declaring the winner, who walks away with the ICL Winner’s rosette plus a cupcake themed goody bag (presented in the much-coveted ICL bag!).

Event details:

Monday 5th October 2009

6.00pm – 8.30pm

Venue to be confirmed shortly - but start getting excited now!!!

Entry fee: £5 – even if you don’t wish to enter the competition why not come along to taste the cupcakes? (Entry fee includes tea or coffee)

Timetable of events:

6.00-6.45pm – Entries are labelled and plated up

6.45 onwards – Eating and voting commences

Please note that you are most welcome to arrive any time after 6.00pm and avail yourself of the tea and coffee.

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